ulnb0511.zip current version (beta) of UniLink v1.13 ulhlp_ru.zip HtmlHelp (beta) for Unilink (russian version) ulhlp_en.zip HtmlHelp (beta) for Unilink (english version) whatsnew_ru.txt Changes in current build only (russian CP866) whatsnew_en.txt Changes in current build only (english) history_ru.txt Changes after 1.13 (russian CP866) history_en.txt Changes after 1.13 (english) tdsman.zip Service program for embedding/extract tds to/from binary ida_sig.zip for IDA user's (UniLink features) bds2010i.zip patch (correct bug for ilink32) of BDS2010 (RAD7) cp32mti.lib old_hst.zip All changes after start of beta-test programm (1.03)